Political Rebound? Ex-Wyoming Lawmaker Lands Professorship At UVA

Liz Cheney, former Wyoming lawmaker and daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, has accepted a new position as a professor at the University of Virginia. Her tenure in the House of Representatives came to an end after an overwhelming defeat in the Republican primary by 40 points.

Her position at the University is part of their Center for Politics and will be a “professor of practice” role. The Director of the Center, Larry Sabato, described Liz as a “model of political courage and leadership” due to her willingness to stand up for her principles even when it meant taking a hit politically.

This move marks yet another chapter in what has been a tumultuous few months for Ms. Cheney since she sided with Democrats on several issues such as impeachment proceedings against former President Donald Trump. This led to her removal from her powerful position within Republican House leadership via a vote of no confidence from fellow GOP members.

It was also reported that before this vote she had met with Fox News Board Member Paul Ryan off the record to stave off any rumors surrounding her potential ouster from party leadership roles; however, these efforts were unsuccessful.

Despite all this, she remains committed to advancing democratic values both here in America and worldwide through her work at UVA’s Center for Politics and looks forward to working with students there on bettering democracy worldwide. This reflects a commitment many Republicans share in their dedication towards upholding American ideals regardless of who is currently occupying the White House or leading Congress.


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