Republican Push For Abolishing ‘Soft On Crime’ Law Gaining Momentum, Biden Under Pressure

America is in the midst of a crime wave and President Biden’s potential move to sign a resolution that would terminate Washington, DC’s soft-on-crime law shows he has no interest in stopping it.

The Democratic Party has been trying to push through laws that reduce punishments for criminals across the nation, and this latest attempt in our nation’s capital is just another example of their irresponsible approach.

The D.C. city council passed the criminal law with penalties for serious crimes being reduced, overriding Mayor Bowser’s veto in the process. Since then, crime rates have drastically increased throughout the city – homicides are up 25%, vehicle theft 111%, theft from auto 21%, theft 16%, and arson 300%.

President Biden has gone against his party by saying he will sign the Republican resolution to block this dangerous D.C. law if it passes in the Senate – though it remains unclear if he will follow through on his word should enough votes come together to pass it. By doing so, Biden risks alienating far-left voters who may ultimately decide not to turn out at all during election season due to his stance on this issue.

It is clear Republicans are right when they accuse Democrats of being soft on crime: their approach seems more focused on coddling criminals instead of protecting innocent citizens who could become victims of these same offenders down the line.

We need leaders who can bring our cities back under control before tragedy strikes again – unfortunately, President Biden has yet to prove himself capable of doing just that by potentially signing off on a measure that weakens current laws rather than strengthens them.


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