President Joe Biden made a speech at a Delaware town hall for veterans in which he claimed that his uncle had won a Purple Heart for his service during World War II. Twitter conservatives quickly slammed the president for what they saw as another example of him making up “ridiculous tall tales” about himself and his family.
The incident occurred last Friday during Biden’s speech at the town hall in Delaware. During the speech, Biden stated that his father had told him about an uncle who fought in the Battle of the Bulge and had won a Purple Heart but never received it. He went on to say that he was able to get this uncle the Purple Heart as a surprise.
Twitter conservatives say that there is no evidence that any such thing happened or that this outrageous story about himself and his family is even real and that this claim is just to gain favor with voters and deflect attention away from issues like immigration, taxes, and healthcare.
Twitter critics have blasted President Biden for claiming false military honors and have called on him to apologize for both fabricating stories about himself and attempting to appropriate military honors from real-life soldiers who risked their lives fighting in World War II. They argue that it is disrespectful both to those veterans who did serve honorably during World War II as well as to those who currently serve our nation.
It remains unclear whether President Biden was aware that there was no evidence backing up his claim when he made it or if he simply misremembered details from his father’s story. Either way, Twitter conservatives have been quick to point out this latest incident as yet another example of what they see as inappropriate behavior from our current Commander-in-Chief.