Tennessee Takes Stand Against Gender Transitioning For Children

Tennessee is taking a stand against the dangerous and misguided practice of gender transitioning for children. The State Legislature recently passed a bill that would ban the use of puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and surgical operations on children in an attempt to “change” their gender.

The legislation has been approved by House lawmakers with a vote of 77 to 16, with three Democrats joining Republicans in supporting it. If signed into law by Governor Bill Lee, the measure would provide a grace period for those who have already begun transitioning processes before enacting punishments such as fines up to $25,000 for healthcare providers who violate the ban.

As House Majority Leader William Lamberth pointed out, “These children do not need these medical procedures to be able to flourish as adults…They need mental health treatment. They need love and support”. This measure seeks to protect vulnerable youth from being subjected to life-altering treatments at a too-young age without proper guidance or counseling.

This proposal has gained traction among other Republican-led states and has been met with criticism from groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). However, proponents argue that this legislation is necessary due to investigations conducted by Daily Wire host Matt Walsh which revealed that Vanderbilt University was referring to sex change operations as “big money makers”. Furthermore, Breitbart News reported last year that Vanderbilt Health was the sole sponsor of Nashville Pride Parade’s “kids and family” portion which included drag bingo and drag queen story hour events geared towards children.

It appears Tennessee’s legislators are doing their best to ensure that vulnerable youth are kept safe while respecting their rights and providing them with access to appropriate care when needed – something every state should strive for to create an environment where all individuals can thrive regardless of gender identity or expression.


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